Sound World concerts
These interactive and friendly Ensemble Reza concerts introduce the different sound worlds of classical, jazz, world and folk music told through stories, song and dance.
Popular concerts in the past have included The Nutcracker, The Snowman, Jack Spriggins and the Magic Beanstalk and Music from around the world. Music is arranged by Reza musician Anna Cooper for a range of instruments, including: violin, viola, cello, double bass, ukulele, guitar, didgeridoo, bouzouki, accordion, piano and a variety of percussion. These concerts are ideal for whole school performances and pitched at students from Years 1-6 at both mainstream and SEN schools.
Projects aims to include:
To start a musical conversation with schools which can lead to further workshops
To raise the profile of music within the school community
In eight days we can:
Run: 24 concerts
Enthuse: 8640 young people
Inspire: 288 teachers
“My class were transfixed by the quality and exuberance of the playing as they went into the hall. I’ve been blown away by Reza. It’s unusual to hear music of this quality live in a school. The whole ensemble played with flair, warmth and technical perfection… It was a real testament to the power and quality of the performance that the vast majority of the SSC (Specialist Support Centre) children stayed for the whole time. The musicians were brilliant: friendly and accepting. ”
“I felt happy and excited. I enjoyed it so much. We listened really hard and loved it. It was so nice to see the instruments we had talked about in our class in real life.”
“Thank you for the experience you gave our children today. It was the first time many of them had seen instruments being played ‘live’ and the interaction and enjoyment that both you and your team provided will stay with the children for a lifetime.’”
“Ensemble Reza came to Manor Green (SEN) College and it was amazing! Our young people loved it, some danced, some riffed - they were incredibly professional, engaging and filled our afternoon with music and joy.”
“It made me feel happy and inspired to enjoy stuff even more. And if you keep working hard towards your dream, you can make it happen.
The music makes me feel confused and intrigued. I have never heard this music. I would like to know more about it.”